Monday, January 24, 2011

Overall Health and Wellness

The following hour long video was given by my nurse practitioner, Kristie Rosser. She gave this presentation at Elevate, where David, my husband works. It is a wonderful presentation about overall health and wellness and where your levels should be at for "Optimal" wellness. She talks about Adrenal Fatigue, for those of you that are interested, and just does a fabulous job at breaking down our health in an hour's lecture. The videos are in 4 segments and I encourage anyone who is trying to take care of their health and to take control of feeling great, to watch. Make sure you take notes, especially so you can remember the names of the vitamins and supplements she talks about and also the hormone/vitamin levels she goes over!

1 comment:

  1. This presentation is full of the best science and applicable data!!!
    Thank you Leanna!
