Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Awesome Dinner

I had a few of my nephews over for dinner Sunday night and we had an awesome dinner.
I made:
zucchini soup
roasted vegetables
green salad with strawberries and pomegranate dressing
vegan peach cobbler with raw coconut butter lime sauce

Here are the recipes:
Roasted Vegetables:
Cut up the veggies of your choice in good sized chunks. We used red potatoes, onion from our garden, carrots, sweet potatoes and yams. Once everything is cut, just toss the veggies in a few tablespoons of coconut oil, a few cloves or garlic,
sea salt and fresh cracked pepper...that's it! I thoug
ht I was eating candy...the coconut oil was amazing. I WILL NOT roast any veggies in any other oil except coconut. It really brings out the flavors. I glared at David as he doused his in BBQ sauce...oh well...some people never learn ;).

Green Salad with Pomegranate Dressing:

This salad was romaine, spinach, and mixed greens. I added sliced strawberries, sliced naval oranges, 1/2 bunch green onions, pecans, and a little feta cheese. The dressing is from my friend Cody... we all LOVED it. Thanks girl!

Cody's Pomegranate Dressing:

In a small jar, add:
1 C. POM juice
3 T. balsamic vinegar
3 T. honey
3 T. oli
ve oil
zest of one orange
sea salt and pepper to taste

Shake up and refrig
erate until ready t
o use! YUMMY!

Vegan Peach Cobbler with Coconut Butter Lime Sauce:
In the bottom of a 13x9 pan, or equivalent (mine was a big oval dish), layer fresh (or frozen) peeled, sliced peaches. I use
d white peaches...such a great, unique flavor.

Then, in a separate bowl add:
1/2 C. co
conut oil
1/2 C. agave
3/4 C to 1 C. raw cane juice crystals (or sugar if you don't have raw sugar)
1 C. white wheat whole-wheat flour
1 C. oats
2 t. bakin
g powder
1 C. almond milk
1 T. vanilla
2 T. cinnamon

Ok..so I lost the recipe I wrote down the other night, so I am hoping these are the right amounts. The topping, once mixed together ta
stes soo good raw with a spoon. Once I was finally able to stop eating the batter, I spooned it over the peaches.
Bake at 375 for 40 minutes or until bubbly on the edges and only slightly doughy in the middle.
Serve with this awesome sauce on top:

Raw Coconut Butter Sauce:

In your blender, add:
4 oz. coconut butter
of two small limes
2 small peaches,
peeled and pitted
2-4 T. agave.
Blend until smooth and refrigerate until ready to eat. Next time, I will try this with strawberries instead of peaches. I think I will go eat some right now with a banana, since the cobbler is long gone :(.
You can find the recipe HERE on the Artisana Foods website. This is the brand of coconut butter I buy and the other recipes on their web page
look yummy too!


  1. OMG yay!!! I am so going to make this cobbler and sauce for sure! Thanks for posting!

  2. Mmm... Those roasted vegetables look amazing. Thanks for the tips about coconut oil!

