Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Green Smoothie Girl!

Last week, my friend Cody and I went up to Sandy to hear Robyn Openshaw speak, the founder and inventor of You can go right to the website HERE. For 16 years she has been eating whole foods and creating whole foods for her four children and now sharing them with the world. I purchased her 12 steps to whole foods, which is expensive but well worth it. You focus on one step a month, such a great way to make the transition into whole foods eating without being stressful and overwhelming. This month, my family and are are starting with one green smoothie a day, which is chapter one. (I have already been doing green smoothies every day for the last year, but not really making my kids. This is a great way for us to make the change together)

Here is a link to The 12 steps book.

I highly recommend her book. If you need to start somewhere, but cant afford this one yet, then you can buy The Green Smoothie Diet, her first book and introduction to green smoothies HERE on Amazon.

At the class, she gave her story and talked about how her grandma cured herself of cancer on a raw diet and flooding her system with raw vegetables. She also reminded the young mothers (and I still consider myself one) that we are the ones that can change the world by eating whole foods and teaching this to our children. We can help the rate of disease by not being afraid to get rid of the processed food in our house and taking the time to learn, one step at a time, how to eat whole foods, prepare them for our children, and share them with those around us.

She shared one of her recipes (our FAMILY favorite soo far) from her book during her lecture and made samples for ALL the people there. I double this for all five of us! Great way to start the day and this is awesome pre workout fuel. One batch is 450 calories.

Hot Pink Breakfast Smoothie

by Green Smoothie Girl

1 1/2 C. coconut water
(I use the coconut water from Costco. comes in a case like soda does)
6 baby carrots

1/4 C. chopped dates

1/4 C. raw cashews

2 T. vanilla

1 small beet (or part of a large beet. I got these baby beets from the store and one is just perfect)

2 C. frozen strawberries

(sometimes more for the kids if they want it sweeter)

Blend all together in your power blender and enjoy! The color is beautiful and you can see the happy faces on my children! And I am a happy mom knowing they are going to school loaded with good energy for their brain and awesome fuel for their tummies! If they are still hungry, I will make them whole grain toast and organic eggs to go with it...but at our house...the rule is.... .....SMOOTHIE FIRST!

(p.s. It was worked better for us to not let the kids see what I am putting in the smoothie, until after they try it. They are more willing to drink it when they don't know what is in it. Once I get their approval, then we play a game called,

"Guess the Ingredients!"


  1. "Guess the ingredients" that is so great! And your kids are so darn cute. Thanks, Leanna!!

  2. I've tasted this at Leanna's home! So yummy!!!! I look forward to learning more!
