Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day One...Hard

Yesterday was the first day for me following Dr. Fuhrman's program for a "nutritarian" life style. I think it was hard, because we spend an ENTIRE week on vacation last week and really ate stuff that I haven't eaten in six months...It was hard on my body...I could feel it. So, I think yesterday was the start of another mini detox for me. Here is what I had to eat:

Brown Rice Cereal with Coconut Milk and Fresh Strawberries
1/2 orange

Giant Salad with 1 C. kidney beans and a veggie burger (new at Costco)
2 C. lightly steamed zucchini and yellow squash mixed
1 small apple

Snack: I was dying so I did have a snack of 1 T. natural peanut butter and a small banana...Pretty sure this was still toxic hunger...but for the sanity of myself and my ability to handle my children..I did have this snack

1 fresh spring roll with just a dab of dipping sauce (recipe on post above)
Green Salad
Small Fruit Salad
Small bowl of cheezy broccoli soup (recipe also will be posted above this post)

I ate a little bit more for dinner than I normally will, but we were at a dinner party and the host and hostess made the whole dinner Vegan...so I had to taste everything (except the raw chocolate pie that my friend Liz brought. I was drooling the whole time!)

Today, I feel a little cold and shaky, but already less irritable than I did yesterday. I am used to eating something ALL the time and I know my brain is trying to play tricks on me. I can see how these symptoms don't really seem like a big deal and probably because of the way I have already been eating. For someone else who may be making a HUGE transition in their way of eating by doing this, just be patient and trust in your TRUE self. You are more powerful than you know.

Once you commit...don't give up or give in. Here is what Dr. Fuhrman says about this:
"I ask you to let me make my case, and try this plan for six weeks. After the first six weeks (the hardest part) it becomes a lot easier....When you get married, does the religious figure or justice of the peace ask, "Do you swear to give this person a try?" When people tell me they will give it a try, I say don't bother, you have already decided to fail. It takes more than a try to quit addictions; it takes commitment. A commitment is a promise that you stick with, NO MATTER WHAT! Without that commitment you are doomed to fail. Give yourself the change to really succeed this time. Make a clear choice between success and failure. It takes only three simple steps. 1. buy the book. 2. read the book. 3. MAKE THE COMMITMENT!" (Eat to Live pg. 10)

1 comment:

  1. Go for it Leanna, I know you can do it and I send you lots of good wishes. I have always been your biggest fan. Keep up the good work!
